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SSRF Notes

SSRF Notes

NOTE :  Wanted to have everything at one place,  these are my reference notes from various bug bounty write ups & security research, I thank all the authors of the write ups mentioned below [will update if i find anything interesting]


In an SSRF attack against the server itself, the attacker induces the  application to make an HTTP request back to the server that is hosting  the application, via its loopback network interface. This will typically  involve supplying a URL with a hostname like (a reserved IP address that points to the loopback adapter) or localhost (a commonly used name for the same adapter).         

Many server-side request forgery vulnerabilities are relatively easy to  spot, because the application's normal traffic involves request  parameters containing full URLs

Blind SSRF

Blind SSRF vulnerabilities arise when an application can be induced to  issue a back-end HTTP request to a supplied URL, but the response from  the back-end request is not returned in the application's front-end  response.         

IP Filter bypass [IP to Integer]: 

Private IP Space



Capital One Breach :


SSRF Write Ups

Ways to find SSRF :

CapitalOne Breach Preview : - Awesome


There is no universal protection against SSRF attacks, however there are a few things to have in mind:

  • A blacklist is not a good protection because with so many different protocols, schemes, encodings and super complex URI syntax, bypasses will most certainly occur. Because of this, a whitelist is a better approach.
  • When developing REST API’s, it is better to accept other HTTP verbs than POST and GET which will make it harder for a SSRF vulnerability to make correct requests to the API service. If a SSRF vulnerability is only able to make internal GET requests it won’t be able to speak with the API. It is also important to validate both the request and response to internal services.
  • Services such as Kibana, Redis, Elasticsearch, MongoDB and Memcached do not per default require authentication, and adding that to those services may make it harder to exploit a SSRF vulnerability.  

Testing Methodlogies 

When testing for SSRF using a black list, take internal IP addresses and when encoding them, dont encode entire IP. Encode 1 octet of the IP address, or 2 or 3. For Instance: AWS Metadata - 0251.254.169.254 

Found an API endpoint used for uploading, change the upload file param to URL and test for SSRF. Many times it can lead you to full blown SSRF.

Got an SSRF? But app prevents trying to connect to localhost DNS Pinning for the win, create, set subdomain, point it to>use remote red>

 If you have an SSRF with file system access on an ECS instance then try extracting /proc/self/environ to get UUID and then try hitting ECS metadata 
This way you'll extract IAM keys of the attached role

SSRF advice: 

- Test every parameter and input fetching external resources
- Once it hit's your server plan your attack
- Blind SSRF Try XSPA
- SSRF Try fetching the secret access keys

Sometimes you got to keep it simple in #bugbounty. Just got an #SSRF, steps (credits below):

1 Run getallurls for all assets & merge results
2 `cat results | grep "url="| anti-burl | tee ssrf.txt`
3 Review & cleanup list 
4 Fuzz all "url-like" params w/ Burp collab & #ffuf


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