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Showing posts from June, 2020

Electron JS Security Checklist

Electron Js Security Checklist Disable nodeIntegration for untrusted origins/Do-not Enable Node-Integration Risk  If enabled, nodeIntegration allows JavaScript to leverage Node.js primitives and modules. This could lead to full remote system compromise if you are rendering untrusted content. Auditing nodeIntegration and nodeIntegrationInWorker are boolean options that can be used to determine whether node integration is enabled.  Auditing For BrowserWindow, default is true. If the option is not present, or is set to true/1, nodeIntegration is enabled as in the following examples:  mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ "webPreferences": { "nodeIntegration": true, “nodeIntegrationInWorker": 1 } });  Or simply:  mainWindow = new BrowserWindow() For webview tag, default is false.  When this attribute is present, the guest page in webview will have node integration: When sanbox is enabled (see below), nodeintegration is disabled. Please note that it is also possible to u